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Why I want to work for companies like Lessonly

There was never any question in my mind when I started on this coding journey why I was getting into this industry.  I had seen models of great company culture, life/work balance, enthusiastic teams and engaging ever evolving work through so many friends' companies as well as job postings I knew where I belonged.  

I have worked on and off for years in both great and terrible work environments.  In the end I've learned that the people are the single biggest factor in what makes a job worth giving up so much of your personal time.  Money sure, that's great, but in the end at a certain career level you have enough money to be fine, beyond that it's all just frosting.  When the money is no longer such a big reason as to why you go to work every day what is left?  The team you work with, the folks you connect with in other departments, the relationships you forge in those journeys with folks who quite frankly you spend more waking hours with than most do with their own families.  And finally the challenge and growth that you continue to find in a good company!

Even though the reality of finding a job is much harder with junior skills it's refreshing to know there ARE companies in our world who know they can teach you whatever you need to know.  Meaning, they value life experience, the soft skills of what it really takes to be a productive contributing team member and rock star coder!  You hear this at every meetup and talk about how this is a priority in the industry, yet interview after interview it's focused on tech skills and old school standards.

Lessonly is just one example I've found in my search of a company who is thinking about the future and present of tech differently.  Through SO many of their blogs and articles written about them you can see that something is refreshingly different here.  Especially for a company that has grown so fast, in a timeline that most places would lose that company culture and true vision they have embraced it even more!

As a new junior dev I am actually most afraid of being placed in a position with little to no support.  I understand that I still have a lot of learning to do and that this takes time and investment from a company standpoint.  A lot of places talk big game about their plan for you as a junior but most places don't have a formal system in place to make sure you have all the tools you need to succeed.  This isn't just success for you, the company wins too if they can tap into your potential.  Lessonly not only does this for other companies but also for themselves!  Not just for your first week, or month but continuing!  Great example right  here in "How We Do Employee Onboarding".  It's like a dream come true support track to becoming an awesome developer for an awesome company.

I hope I can be so lucky to find a company like Lessonly out there and my bigger dream is that other companies take notice of the awesome work they are doing to bring in new talent, support them and continue to grow their own product and company culture alongside that journey.


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